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Rwanda takes over EAPCCO chairmanship

Members of Eastern African Police Chief’s Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO), currently meeting in Kigali, yesterday elected the Rwandan police chief, Inspector General of Police Emmanuel Gasana, as its new chairperson. Gasana will hold the position for the next one year. Gasana takes over from Sudan’s Gen. Hashim Osman Ali Hussein. The Committee of Police Chiefs (CPC), which is the highest decision making body of the organ, meets at least once year in an Annual General Meeting AGM),  to take stock of progress and adopt appropriate strategies .In his acceptance speech, Gasana commended member countries for entrusting Rwanda with the position, adding that this signifies the responsibilities that the national police is carrying out on the African continent and the world at large.
Sudanu2019s Gen. Hashim Osman Ali Hussein handing over EAPCCO's flag to his successor, IGP Emmanuel Gasana. The New Times/ Timothy Kisambira
Sudan’s Gen. Hashim Osman Ali Hussein handing over EAPCCO's flag to his successor, IGP Emmanuel Gasana. The New Times/ Timothy Kisambira
Times Reporter